Saturday, February 7, 2009

Different side of.. Me...

The real me?

A lil about me..

I don't care if you like me or not,because its better to be hated for who you are then loved for who you're not. What can i say? Im just different.. Unless you've lived my life,don't judge me because you don't me,never have and never will known every lil thing and detail about me.. I may seem stuck up at first cuz i tend to get a lil quiet when we just met.. But.. Judge me.. N.. I'll prove you wrong.. Im crazy,outgoing to people whom ive already known.. N.. freakin amazin(i hope) (=

I'm not a perfect girl.. Sometimes id be the clown who makes the people around me smile.. Other times,id be all glammed up.. N the next could be all stressed up or sad.. Haha.. There are many2 different side of me.. My hair dosnt stay in place and im pretty clumsy... But oh well,life should be not all that puurfect right.. Wish u were me? I knew i have that effect on people.. But u noe what? My life is not all that nice as it seem.. But can we just say im contented with what i have? Yup.. Got to be thankful dearest.. Just got to..

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