Saturday, February 7, 2009

I guess ive never really known u.. N.. I tot i did..


Isnt it ironic that when uve been embracing ur single life without him,when u thought that ure this fabulous single girl,When you smile(or should i say smirk) and realise that he's just a complete scumbag n began wondering y u were him in the first place,he just comes back into your life again n then u actually almost(but dun worry-im not a fool anymore to be with him again) forgive him when he make it seem like its so wrong for me to be without him...

And to think that ure that stupid enough to wonder out loud that,'Hey,maybe he've really changed to be a better person'(although yeah ive certainly hope that he has for his own sake).

Eddie.. He used to be the sweetest guy i met in primary school.. Lost touch n met again last year(sounds so fairytale sak-hahaha) Deprived of proper guidance from parents n stuff.. I used to be his guidance in our daily walk of life n vise versa.. Someone he can lean on when he needs a shoulder..

Things change.. Its like DAMN.. He put so much importance on $money$.. Thats mainly how our relationship just deterioates(to put it simply-it reli is mostly financial disagreements).. Its reli sad lah to watch it that way intially.. Cuz we both tot that we will settle down n stuffs.. I mean like we both had been single for very2 long till we meet each other again.. It seems so fairytalish.. So much dreams... Haha...

Well Eddie,i just dun intend to be back with you... N i noe i never will wanna be with you again.. Though theres many nice memories,i guess ive never really known u well enough.. N i certainly duwana try anymore n be back to where we were during the trying times of our relationship(Its hurt the both of us enuf..) and.. isnt it funny how the people who said "i'll never hurt you" are the ones who hurts the most..

Plz.. Lets just both move on.. N i hope that ud be happy n learn to smile again..

Second chance... Or should i say third? They don't even matter.. Some people just dun deserve it...

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